Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Driving and Meat & Potatoes

Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out tossed out this blogfest - 10 Favorite Drinking and 10 Favorite Driving Songs

I decided to run with the driving songs. As you may have surmised from previous posts, I hate driving. Slow driver, dumb drivers, people on their cell phones, and no rocket launchers on my hood. So, to get through the daily ordeal of driving, I crank my tunes!

10 Favorite Driving SongsIn Flames – System
Rush – Natural State
Prong – Snap Your Fingers Snap Your Neck
Joe Satriani – One Big Rush
Pantera – Cowboys From Hell
Dream Theater – Count of Tuscany
KillSwitch Engage – Rose of Sharyn
Corrosion of Conformity – Albatross
Extreme – Get the Funk Out
Blue Oyster Cult – Shooting Shark

Any one of these songs played at a high decibel will reduce the stress of my drive home…

Now this blew my mind...

Helen Ginger at Straight From Hel gave me the Meat and Potatoes Award.

This prestigious award goes to a particular group of wise and experienced bloggers who have proven themselves over the course of time, trials, and tribulations.

Wise and experienced? Certainly not in the author arena just yet! And even after CassaStar’s release this fall, I probably won’t be much wiser. She must be referring to my plethora of knowledge concerning movies, music, and tech gadgets. Yeah, that must be it!!

However, I will pass this on to some bloggers who do know their stuff when it comes to writing!

Raquel Byrnes, Simon C. Larter, and Matthew Rush

You will definitely learn a thing or two when visiting these blogs!

And I enjoyed the character interviews yesterday. Everyone put so much effort into their interview - mine looked so pathetic in comparison! Special thanks to Jemi for her wonderful comment yesterday.


  1. Congrats on the award and interesting song choices. You can definately release stress with those.

  2. Congratulations, Alex on the award!

    I really love to blast my music while driving. It used to be much more so when I lived in California and a twenty mile commute took approximately 90 minutes. Strong coffee and some jammin' tunes …

  3. oh, I thought you were gonna cook something for us today when I say the picture in this post :)) You know how much I love cooking blogs, sites and cooking itself.

    Congrats on the award. And remind me not to drive in the same car with you, I think all that metal music would make me feel like I was in a hell's wagon :)))

  4. Whenever I see this meat & potatoes award I want to go to Sizzler.

  5. Meat and potatoes award! Cool!. AS for driving songs, I think my favorites are a bit older than yours, although I like some of yours as well, especially Pantera (which is actually a form of car as well).

    Radar Love by Golden Earring is my favorite driving song. "Been drivin' all night, my hands wet on the wheel."

    My second favorite is "La Grange" by ZZ Top. "I heard they gotta lot of nice girls there."

  6. Congrats on the award. I think men should get a 'manly' award instead of all those cutsie girly ones we insist on giving.

    Charles already said, "Radar Love" which is one of my all time favorites.

    "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC is also one of the best! Even Monster Baby loves it. Especially when Mommy drives fast.

  7. I'm pleased you submitted a list Alex, though I didn't know many of them It showed you cared enough to submit. Congratulations on your well deserved award.


  8. I was going to put something by Rush on my list since on my last trip driving home from Las Vegas I had Rush cranked up for half the trip home and my wife even liked it and she usually doesn't like rock. I know most of the groups but don't necessarily know the songs though I might recognize them if I heard them. Thanks for you contribution.
    Now to finish up my Movie post.

    Tossing It Out

  9. Congratulations on your award! Good list.

  10. A well deserved award to go with the Beer!

    Thanks for sharing new blogging writers...of to visit now.

  11. AC/DC and Muse are my driving go-to's. Also my workout go-to's.

    My husband and I have been joking for years that we want to install paintball guns under the car that can come out and shoot the a-hole drivers. Of course, we could select the perfect color to impart maximum wreckage. :-)

    I have bad road rage. :-)

  12. Not a single song I know, what does that make me.

  13. Congrats on the award! And congrats to the new winners.

  14. Crystal, at that point, I'd probably take a hostage!

    Sorry, Dez, although I do cook. And yeah, I tend to crank my metal loud.

    Charles, Radar Love is a good pick. I just went for loud and heavy.

    Piedmont, Thunderstruck is one of their best songs.

    Arlee, how could you forget the Rush?

    Summer, paintball guns would be great, too. Go with red!

    Ocean Girl, just means you're not a headbanger. I'm surprised anybody knew those songs!

  15. Congratulations on your award! That one looks good enough to um, well, eat.

  16. Thanks a million Alex! You're too kind.

  17. Congrats on the award, sir! :)

    So when you play guitar .... do you use an amp or whatever and make all kinds of weird distorted screeching noises? My son likes to do that and from time to time I almost hear music in there. I was so hoping he would be a classical guitarist though! :)

  18. I hate driving too, but deal better with the open source insult available that I learned from my good friend FooDaddy--you would be AMAZED how much better you feel if you yell "Mototard!" at them. It also will make the teens in your life think you're cool...

    Congrats on the award!

  19. Great list and congrats on your award!

  20. ALEX ~
    Dang! I didn't know even one of the songs on your list.

    I will say, however, that Blue Oyster Cult put on one of the five most memorable live shows I ever saw. That was way back when they were still using lasers in their act. Probably about 1979 or '80. Circa "Spectres" or "Mirrors".

    ~ "Lonesome Dogg" McD-Fens

  21. I'm so sad - I don't know any of those songs - although I never remember the names of any of the songs I like! I have to look up everything :)

    I think the Doobie Brothers have a lot of great driving songs from way back too.

  22. You're welcome, Matthew.

    Beth, I do use an apm but I leave out the screetching sounds. Sometimes I play my acoustic, too.

    Stephen, I've seen them a couple times and they do a great show. Their song is the oldest on my list, too. (1983)

  23. I just love that there's an award called "Meat and Potatoes."
    Classic. Congrats on the awards!

  24. Hey there! Thanks so much for the award. So nice of you. I thought your choices in songs were great!

  25. Thank you, good sir, for the award! I'm flattered. Right now I'm looking at the floor and shuffling my feet, trying my damnedest not to blush. I think I'm succeeding, but I've been known to be wrong before.

    You're a gentleman and a scholar. Also, you have good taste in tunes. Rock on, good sir. Rock on.

  26. You are welcome, Raquel.

    Simon thanks and you deserve it far more than me.

  27. I got a copy of Operation: Mindcrime in the mail today. You are right, it is a very good epic piece of music. Also, got my first Porcupine Tree album, The Incident. It is also very good. I've heard cuts of other of their albums on AOL Radio and thought they were very good. This album I've received confirms it.

    Tossing It Out

  28. Hi Alex, Don't be shy, you are very deserving! Get use to the lime light, Fall will be here, soon enough and you'll need to bask in the glory of the published world!

    Intriguing list, I know a couple, it will be fun to check the other songs out!

    Love Rush!

  29. I can assure you that Helen knows exactly what she is doing. She's passed the award onto a very deserving person!

  30. So you're probably going to thunk me up side the head for it, but I am passing on ANOTHER award to you today!

  31. Arlee, Mindcrime is pure genius! I'm not a big Porcupine Tree fan, but they have some good stuff, too.

    Ellie and Rayna - thanks.

    I saw that, Hart! Thank you.

  32. Your blog is always full of information. I love coming here and learning about music and movies and things other than writing. You deserve the award!

  33. Dude. Great driving music is key. And I never thought of the rocket launcher on my hood; mine's always a .50 cal rifle :D Speaking of road trips, there's an award for you over on my road-trip blog post today :D

  34. And I forgot to add my ultimate road trip song is Muse's "Knights of Cydonia."

  35. I'll check the blogs out, thanks ... and congrats on the award!

  36. Congratulations on the award. I really enjoyed the character interviews as well and am still trying to catch up with a few of the participants. There were some really great posts out there and interesting takes on the interviews. I loved reading your interview with Byron. It may not have been as long as some of the others but it was certainly well worth the read.

  37. Thanks, Marvin.

    And thank you, Cassandra. I was afraid I'd not done enough with the interview.
