Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Movies in May

May kicks off the official summer movie run and the opportunity for me to slip into a dark, air-conditioned movie theater for two hours every week for months. It's also a time for my imagination to roam, sparking many writing ideas. (And you thought I watched a lot of movies because I'm lazy!)

I thought I'd give you the rundown of the movies that have caught my attention for May. (And one for June, because I've really been wanting to see this flick.)

May 7 - Iron Man 2
Starring Robert Downey Jr., Don Cheadle (who finally gets his own suit!), Gwyneth Paltrow, and Mickey Rourke

May 14 - Robin Hood
Ridley Scott takes a shot at the legend, which stars Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, and Matthew Macfadyen

May 21 - Shrek Forever After
Starring Mike Myers, Cameron Diaz, Eddie Murphy, and Antonio Banderas in what they are promising to be the last Shrek movie. (Unless it makes a ton of money of course!)

May 28 - Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Gemma Arterton, and Ben Kingsley in what we hope is not just another special effects hype.

Also May 28 - Survival of the Dead
Director George A. Romero returns with another zombie flick.

June 4 - Splice
Starring Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley, this was the buzz of Sundance!

Remember, for all your movie needs, visit my buddy Dez at Hollywood Spy


Talli Roland said...

Thanks for the round-up! Funny, I was just starting at a Robin Hood advert on the side of a big red bus here in London!


Thanks Alex for the list of films of the month, I see old favourite Robin Hood is out yet again,
Happy film going.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Talli, what are the odds!?

Matthew MacNish said...

Definitely looking forward to Ridley's version of Robin Hood. It does make you wonder if the man will ever direct a movie starring someone other than Russel Crowe though.

Don't get me wrong, I love Russel, but one does have to wonder. It's almost as bad as Tim Burton and Johnny Depp.

Glynis Peters said...

Some great ones to watch out for, thanks for the info, Alex.

Helen Ginger said...

Gonna be a good, cool summer! Not sure about Survival of the Dead for me, though. And haven't heard of Splice. Yay! It's been too long since I went to the movies.

Straight From Hel

DEZMOND said...

Pretty boring cinematic summer if you ask me :(( I'm only anxious to see PRINCE OF PERSIA, although I'm trying not to expect too much, the same as with THE LAST AIRBENDER.

Thanks for the linky-dinky, Alex :) You keep promoting me over here (as I do with you at H.SPY) but it seems your fellow writers aren't really into movies, and they don't keep following me :((( Not that I need them, when I have the best sf writer among my friends and readers :))

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I see a couple on here that my kids will enjoy. Thanks Alex!

Mystery Writing is Murder

Sarah Ahiers said...

i'm totest hitting iron man 2 this weekend. Also really really looking forward to prince of persia since i LOVE the game (i'm crossing my fingers that it will be good)
i've already heard bad things about robin hood so i believe i will be skipping it in theaters but we got free advance tickest for Shrek so we will be seeing it a few weeks early

Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to all of theses with the exceptions of Survival of the Dead and Splice, which I have honestly heard nothing about... >.<

Summer Frey said...

Iron Man 2 comes out on my birthday, but I've been hearing bad reviews of it. :-( But I'll see it anyway, if only for half-naked shots of RDJr. :-)

I'm curious about Robin Hood. I love the story, but not a big Russell Crowe fan. And I don't care what anyone says, the Kevin Costner Robin Hood from the early 90's is one of my favorite movies of all time.

JournoMich said...

I think Mother's Day weekend is an odd choice for Iron Man 2, but I am soooooo up for that as a MD treat. (I'm one of those cool moms, go ahead and say it!)

Robin Hood, again? But I love Cate Blanchett, so...

No PofP for me, but I am in for the return of George Romero. That man is THE man when it comes to zombies.

And I'll see anything Adrian Brody! Such an interesting and talented actgor.

Thanks for the rundown, Alex! I may actually have to get to the theatre this month!


Tara said...

Not a Russell Crowe fan, so I have a hard time picturing him as Robinhood.

My 8 year old is dying to see Prince of Persia, but I'm unsure because of the rating. If you see it, let me know what you think of it, would ya :)

Liza said...

Russell Crowe as Robin Hood? I'm there!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Matthew, at the moment I think Burton and Depp still have him beat.

Hele, time to take yourself out to the movies!

Dez, don't pin your hopes too high with Airbender. And sorry, I blog about movies all the time and they still follow and comment, so not sure what's up with that!

Falen, let us know what you think about Shrek - I'm not holding my breath for that one since the third was so bad.

Summer, I'm not a Costner fan, but he made a good Robin Hood. And if Downey's NOT naked, I'm okay with that.

Michele, unless it totally bites it with reviewers, I'll check out Romero's flick. And Splice sounds so intriguing! Go watch the trailer for it.

Tara, I'll let you know about Prince of Persia. I'm expecting a lot of violence, though.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Gonna be a good month for movies!

Laura S. said...

May Movie Month is looking good! I can't wait to see all of them except the second to last one. Scary movies, well, scare me!

Survivormama said...

Alex, that Robin Hood movie looks like a good one! Thanks for the info!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

It is a good month for movies!

Beth said...

I may have to go to the theatre a few times this summer myself. :)

Marvin D Wilson said...

Nice roundup. Iron Man and Robin Hood are on my MUST SEE list, and Shrek I'm taking the grandkids to see, for sure.

The Old Silly

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Marvin, good luck with that little adventure!

Anonymous said...

I am not so sure about any of those either... maybe Robin Hood. Summer movies here means two things -- summer kids series ($2 rerun kids movies one day a week) and that the drive-in is open (which we love because it is cheaper than the usual tickets). We're all looking forward to Toy Story 3 here, definitely not your May action movie blockbuster. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Melody you are fortunate if you have a drive-in near you - I haven't seen one of those in years!

Raquel Byrnes said...

Can't wait for Robin Hood and Prince of Persia...they look like absolute eye candy in every way!

By the way, tagged you in a post.


Unknown said...

Hmmm...some of those look interesting. I never saw Iron Man, so probably won't see Iron Man 2, but it does look the most promising of the bunch. Thanks for the heads up.

Elana Johnson said...

Ah, yes. I simply cannot wait for some of these movies to hit the theaters! Have a great May!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Raquel thank you - I saw that!

Laurence MacNaughton said...

I wonder if I can just get my own personal chair at the movies this summer? You know, the folding kind, with my name on the back? If I put on a director's cap and carried a bullhorn, I bet no one would ask any questions.

Julie Dao said...

I'm thinking "Robin Hood" and "Prince of Persia"... both of curiosity. Do you know if this version of Robin Hood takes place later on in the story - like a sequel type movie? The actors are rather... how shall I put this delicately... mature to be playing their respective roles. It looks great though!

Unknown said...

Hooray for Shrek!!!!

Hope you're having a great day :)

Hannah said...

So many movies to choose from!!! Definitely going to see Iron Man and POP. Robin Hood I might wait for and who doesn't want to see another zombie movie! I love zombie movies!! yay!!

I'm intrigued by Splice. Very. Very. Intrigued.

Ricky said...

Splice sounds the most interesting of these.
Adrien Brody is normally a good bet, he was fantastic in The Jacket.

Lola Sharp said...

Yeah, I'm psyched about Splice, too.
And Inception! (Christopher Nolan is one of the most interesting and talented directors on my radar)

And count me in on the zombie-love-fest. ...even the bad ones are good.;)

Jemi Fraser said...

I just may have to drag hubby to the movies one night this month! Maybe a whole date night :)

Unknown said...

Good movies and good air conditioning! Both necessary for surviving a summer in southeast Texas :) Thanks for sharing the great flicks

Belbin9 said...

All those movies look fantastic! Definatly seeing Iron Man 2 this weekend. Prince of Persia looks awesome. Not to sure how I feel about the new Shreik movie though Let me know how it is

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laurence, I bet you could pull it off!

Julie, that's a question for the Hollywood Spy.

Palin, I think Splice looks wicked cool!

Lola, Inception is MY movie of choice for the summer!

Jemi, do it!

Belbin9, I will definitely let you know.

Anonymous said...

I am really exited about Shrek. I would love to see how much more better or worse it gets this time... LOL
Great list. Thanks for sharing!:)

Hart Johnson said...

They've been pushing that Prince of Persia one hards--I don't see tons of movies, but I think the last four I've seen have had trailers for it--looks pretty fabulous. (and I confess to sort of liking the Ironman first one, in spite of being a middle aged woman, so I should like this one too--I like RDJ as an anti-hero)

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to Iron Mana nd Shrek. I didn't see Clash of the Titans in 3D. Was that any good?

Stephen Tremp

Survivormama said...

Alex, I tagged you in my post for tomorrow May 6th, so come by then and read all about it, pretty please :)

Southpaw said...

I want to see Iron Man 2.I didn’t know over half of those movies. I’m a little out of the loop it seems.

Lydia Kang said...

Ooh, you're getting me psyched for summer movie season! IM2 and RH, for sure are on my list!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mr. Stupid, let's hope it's better.

Stephen, I posted a review way back when - skip Clash of the Titans!

Shannon, you know I will read it regardless!

Southpaw, stick with me and Hollywood Spy and we'll keep you in the loop!

Carol Kilgore said...

You stay so current. I'm envious. We just watched SHERLOCK HOLMES over the weekend. We see much more on DVD than at the cinema.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh there are so many good one's I can hardly take it all in!

Arlee Bird said...

Sounds like some good ones on the way. Of course I won't see any of them until they are on DVD in my living room. Been seeing the Robin Hood trailers on TV lately and it looks pretty interesting. And of course my wife's in love with Russell Crowe so we'll be seeing that one for sure.

Tossing It Out

Annika said...

haha, thx for the comment Alex!
Yeah, I do not think I will be doing much growing up either, prefer pretending I am forever 18!

Great movie listing! I have already seen Iron man 2, I nearly like it better hen the first!
Oh Robin Hood better be good if they have attempt yet another remake...
Survival of the dead looks dead cool, haha (lame, I know). Cant wait for that one!

Anonymous said...

I haven't even thought about what movies to see this year (no cinema any more) but some of these look interesting. I may have to look out for them when they come to DVD.

Sugar said...

Another Robin hood huh? I may check it out, just cuz Russman is hot n all. lol.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You're welcome, Annika!

And what can I say? I'm a movie junkie.

Amity said...

Hi Alex;

Good morning from the Philippines!

I came here through Yvonne's...then I was surprised...you're a writer.

And this post of yours, on movies to watch, my kids would love, got to tell them! They are on marathon movie watching today n tomorrow! No classes...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Amity, Yvonne is a wonderful lady.
Yes, I am a writer, but I'm a movie and music junkie as well.